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See the range of personalised bottles here >> http://bit.ly/2F1tMQq
[contest-cat id=”16826″]
See the range of personalised bottles here >> http://bit.ly/2F1tMQq
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See the full range here >> https://tigerlilyprints.co.uk/product-category/childrens-easter-gifts/personalised-cups/
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We are proud to introduce our new doggy design addition to Tiger Lily Prints. In celebration we are offering 10% off all orders in September with discount code – doggydesign.
Feel free to browse our collection of design led gifts. All are hand finished and made to order with a speedy dispatch of 3 working days.
Wedding Day Traditions and Gift Ideas
Traditionally the groom carries the bride over the threshold to protect her from the evil spirits lurking below. Rain on your wedding day brings good luck; which is lucky in itself if you live in England!
A Swedish bride puts a silver coin from her father and a gold coin from her mother in each shoe to ensure that she’ll never do without, whilst in England marry on a Monday for wealth and a Tuesday for health.
Wedding and engagement rings are worn on the forth finger of the left hand because traditionally a vein was thought to run from that finger directly to the heart. One of histories earliest engagement rings was given to princess Mary, Henry VIII’s daughter when she was only 2 years old.
Personalised wedding gifts have increasingly become popular over the last few years. They add a personal touch, a gift that is unique to their special wedding day.
Tiger Lily Prints have a unique range of wedding gift ideas that have been exclusively designed and can not be found in the high street. The wedding gifts range from matching his & her cups to wedding day photo albums that can be personalised with names, locations and dates.
Queen Victoria started the fashion of wearing a white wedding dress. Traditionally before then the bride simply wore her best dress. Whilst ancient Greeks thought that the veil protected you from evil spirits.
“something blue” on your wedding day symbolizes purity and fidelity.
It is the Romans that we have to thank for the wedding cake. They traditionally broke a loaf of bread over the bride for fertility. Thankfully now we just have too many raisins and icing on our modern version today!
The ceremony itself the bride will stand on the left of the bride. This is traditionally so that the groom will have his right hand free to fight off any other suitors.
The Roman goddess Juno rules over marriage, the hearth and childbirth, hence the popularity of June weddings.
Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve are the two busiest “marriage” days in Las Vegas—elopement central!
Confetti has replaced rice or grain in modern times, the rice was thrown at the bride and groom to encourage fertility.
The throwing of the wedding bouquet was introduced from America and it is said that who ever catches the bouquet will be next to be married.
It is good luck for the groom not to see the dress before the wedding day. It will bring more luck if he does not glance at the dress as the bride walks down the aisle.
Tiger Lily Prints has a range of personalised wedding gifts that include, personalised mugs, cushions, guest books, keepsake boxes and photo albums. The happy couple could even save for the future holidays with our personalised money boxes.
Tiger Lily Prints off a bespoke service personalising your gift in 3 working days. Take a look at our range of personalised gifts ideas for some inspiration.
Tiger Lily Prints now have a bright and colourful new range of personalised 21st birthday gifts. All made to order, add any name text and special message to your 21st keepsake gift. We aim to send out all orders in 3 working days, 1st class Royal Mail. take a look at our growing range of birthday gifts.
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